понеделник, 20 ноември 2017 г.

Анаретен градус - 29° - The Anaretic Degree

29 degrees of any sign is called the Anaretic degree. It’s the very last degree of the sign before it moves into the next sign. When you’re born with a planet or point at 29 degrees, that puts extra emphasis on that planet or point. You can have a difficult time harnessing the energy of that planet or point, and part of your lesson in this life is to learn how to master that planet or point. Your first instinct will be to run away from it and let the energy get messed up, but you actually should embrace it if you want to be your best self.

With the Anaretic degree, it either makes the energy extremely difficult to manifest, or it amplifies it to the point of being destructive until you learn how to use the energy properly.

With the rising at the Anaretic degree, it’s who you are and how you present yourself, so one likely puts up a front around others by playing up the negatives of the sign.

When we accept ourselves and stop worrying about what other people think of us, we’ll be able to manifest the degree more positively.

The Sun rules your identity, who you truly are, so having the Sun at 29 degrees can show someone who struggles to be true to who they really are until they master this position. You need to focus on forging a strong identity and sense of self, otherwise you waffle through life.

The Moon rules your emotions, so having the Moon at 29 degrees can show someone who struggles to control and expose their emotions. They can have upsets and fits, or shove everything away, running from their feelings. You need to focus on your emotions, learn the channel them in healthy ways, and open up to others. 

Mercury rules your mind and communication, so having Mercury at 29 degrees can show someone who struggles to communicate clearly and trust their mind or judgment. They may struggle with learning disabilities or have other issues in school when young, even if there isn’t anything really wrong with their abilities, or have mental health problems. You need to focus on your mind, learn new things and trust in your mental abilities, and be confident when you communicate.

Venus is the planet of love, so having Venus at 29 degrees can show someone who struggles with relationships, relating to others, and having healthy love. You can subconsciously choose people you know are all wrong for you, keep choosing the wrong kind of person, or run from love entirely. You need to focus on love and the positive aspects of it, sort through whatever issues you have with it, and be the lover that you are. 

Mars is the planet of energy and drive, so having Mars at 29 degrees can show someone who has too much or too little energy, is overly aggressive or overly a pacifist, and doesn't know how to take charge or is too impulsive. You need to focus on developing confidence, good self-esteem, and learn how to be assertive without being aggressive.

Jupiter is the planet of optimism and expansion, so having Jupiter at 29 degrees can show someone who needs to learn everything in moderation. They can go overboard with everything, or be stingy. You need to explore and expand your world, and experience life as it should be experienced. 

Saturn is the planet of restriction, responsibility, and success, so having Saturn at 29 degrees can show someone who doesn’t know how to accept responsibility, is too pessimistic, and who is in their own way when it comes to succeeding in life. You need to stop putting up roadblocks where there aren’t any, stop only seeing the negative in situations, and start realizing you’re usually the one responsible for your own problems.

Uranus is the planet of the new, original, eccentric, and rebellion, so having Uranus at 29 degrees can show someone who is overly traditional and afraid of anything unconventional, or so unconventional that they have no clue how to live in the real world. You need to embrace what makes you a unique person but also embrace tradition, and learn to be open to other people’s way of life. 

Neptune is the planet of dreams, illusions, and subconscious, so having Neptune at 29 degrees can show someone who runs as far from reality as they can, getting lost in their delusions and fantasies, or who rejects their fantasies and imaginative side. You need to learn to focus on reality without completely avoiding your imagination, resist the urge to indulge in negative escapist behavior, and face your problems instead of running from them. 

Pluto is the planet of transformation, power, and control, so having Pluto at 29 degrees can show someone who resists changing themselves or their lives, or gets stuck in perpetual change that keeps going and going. They can focus too much on the bad that’s happened, and need to learn to move on more quickly. You need to change when it’s necessary but not with the wind, and try to maintain a balance of power in your relationships.

Author: Nic Gaudette
Nic Gaudette is a Florida-based astrologer who enjoys helping those new to astrology, and writes lessons and articles to help them learn. She also created the website, thedarkpixieastrology.com.

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