вторник, 15 ноември 2016 г.

Типът Партньор, който ни привлича


The planets in your birth chart can help you understand who you will be attracted to, as well as inspire your love and passion.

Here are the planets that affect your attraction to another person:

In a woman’s chart, her Sun Sign is the best “traditional” indicator of the type of man she sees as her life partner, as the potential father of her children; and as fitting a masculine image she can connect with.

In a man’s chart, his Moon Sign is the best indicator of the type of woman he sees as his life partner and the potential mother of his children; and as fitting a feminine image he is emotionally comfortable with.

In a woman’s chart, her Mars Sign indicates the kind of man she desires
In a man’s chart, his Venus Sign indicates the kind of woman he’s romantically attracted to, and will love.

Yes, it’s wonderful if two people have compatible Sun and Moon sign connections. But as a woman, if you want to know the kind of man who would inspire your love, find out what sign your Sun & Mars are in your horoscope. If you’re a man, look to which sign your Moon & Venus are in.

For Women: the 12 Signs your Sun & Mars may be in:

If Your Sun or Mars are in Aries: You are turned on by a man who is brash, bold and direct. He has high energy and is likely to be impulsive and impatient (like you). He’s attractive because he’s a doer and enjoys adventure. You are drawn to a strong or athletic “macho” type. Because you are aggressive, you like a man who loves competition, challenges and even enjoys a good fight now and then. Make-up sex works well for you!

If Your Sun or Mars are in Taurus: You’re attracted to a strong-willed, yet sensual man who is very down-to-earth, enjoys the finer pleasures and comforts of life. He has an appreciation for fine food and music. You’re drawn to his scent or may find that his voice arouses you. Because you’re strong-willed and pursue sensual pleasure, you like to be dominated by a strong, lusty man who has the patience and appetite for prolonged foreplay that will satisfy your appetites.

If Your Sun or Mars are in Gemini: Because communication is important to you—you’re drawn to a man who is bright, witty and a great conversationalist. He’s a bit of a “smooth-talker” who entertains you and keeps you guessing. It’s the way he stimulates you intellectually and arouses your curiosity that sparks your romantic interest in him. His mind is what sexually arouses you—not his physical attractiveness. Since you enjoy your freedom, you’re often attracted to more than one man. Juggling two relationships can be fun and exciting.

If Your Sun or Mars are in Cancer: You’re attracted to a sensitive and understanding man who makes you feel emotionally and financially safe and secure. You are drawn to a man who you (unconsciously) perceive as a father figure or consciously see as the “father of your children.” A man who needs to be “mothered” may also catch your eye. He’s especially attractive if he cooks (or likes your cooking) and wants a cozy, comfortable home. Your sexual attraction is strongest when a man is sensitive and makes you feel protected and secure.

If Your Sun or Mars are in Leo: A man who radiates warmth, confidence, and charisma arouses you. He is generous, and not afraid to show his affectionate side. He’s especially attractive if he’s a creative type (actor, artist, musician) or a leader in some way. There is a sense of drama about him that you like. Since you are a princess, you expect him to court you like a romantic prince should. You like a man who admires and praises you (and God forbid: never criticizes you). If he shows you this royal treatment he can have his way with you.

If Your Sun or Mars are in Virgo: You’re attracted to a practical, reliable, down-to-earth man who is intelligent and well mannered, especially one who is neat and clean. When you meet a man, you’ll probably check out his attire, shoes (and whether his fingernails are clean). Since you’re into perfection, you are drawn to men you can “fix” and make even more perfect. You expect a man to avoid being crude in public, preferring that he wait until you are behind closed doors to show you his lusty, earth side.

If Your Sun or Mars are in Libra: You’re attracted to a charming, polite and classy man who is well spoken, even a smooth-talker, especially if he’s good-looking and well dressed. He enjoys socializing, and appreciates culture and the arts; and not turn you off by being crude or making a scene. You are sexually aroused by romantic gestures (flowers) or beauty (a man with a great physique), anything that appeals to your senses. It’s what puts you in the mood for love and romance.

If Your Sun or Mars are in Scorpio: You’re magnetically attracted to a man who (like you) seems secretive, intense and smolders with passion and sexuality, especially if he seems powerful or dangerous. Because you are strong-willed, possessive (and controlling), you like these same qualities in a man. You are emotionally excited by a romantic connection with someone you can engage in a psychological power struggle for control that may lead to a profound sexual connection.

If Your Sun or Mars are in Sagittarius: You’re attracted to a man with morals and high ideals who operates his life with honesty and integrity—and even more so if he can be a teacher or spiritual guide. You enjoy his great sense of humor. You want honesty, friendship, and fun in a relationship. You yearn to share adventures or sports or philosophical discussions together, especially if you can “be buddies.” Because you’re attracted to men of different cultures, a foreign man can be a sexual turn-on for you.

If Your Sun or Mars are in Capricorn: You’re attracted to an ambitious man (who may be much older or younger) who is socially acceptable. Because you’re a “show-me-the-money” girl, you’re drawn to wealth, status and power and would likely choose an established career man over a penniless guy with good looks but poor prospects. You “play for keeps,” and are only interested in serious romantic partners who you can see a future with. While you may be slow to show your affections, once you commit, behind closed doors, you show your lusty side.

If Your Sun or Mars are in Aquarius: You’re attracted to a man who is intellectually interesting, opened minded and willing to experiment, yet able to be your friend. He is exciting because he seems so unconventional and even unpredictable. You’re intrigued with him because he is an idealist and rebel, likely to have views that would shock your parents or friends. Because you are original and at times unpredictable, you have no interest in boring men who seem rigid. He’s sexually exciting because he’s willing to experiment with new and different ways.

If Your Sun or Mars are in Pisces: You’re attracted to a man who is both romantic and sensitive, often a dreamer. If he appears a bit lost and confused, you find that intriguing. This can result in your being attracted to a man who needs to be saved or one you hope will be your savior. As a hopeless romantic, you dream of a romantic “knight in shining armor,” who comes into your life and sweeps you off your feet. Behind closed doors you are sensuous and bewitching ready to satisfy his fantasies.

For Men: Here Are the 12 Signs Your Moon & Venus May Be In:

If Your Moon or Venus are in Aries: You’re attracted to a bold, independent woman who assertively goes after what she wants (especially if it’s you). Her impulsive nature is appealing. You’re likely to respect and encourage her to be her own person. You are turned on if she competes with you in games or sports, especially if she gives you a good match (even though you want to win). A fiery, passionate woman excites you. You enjoy being pursued or even seduced by her.

If Your Moon or Venus are in Taurus: You’re attracted to an easy-going, earthy woman who is affectionate and likes to cuddle and kiss. You’re drawn to her if she has a pleasant voice. You like a feminine female and find the “scent of a woman” arousing and sensual. It’s a turn on if she enjoys great food, enjoyable music, loves nature and the outdoors. You feel sensual pleasure and emotional comfort with a woman who likes physical touch, affection and engaging in frequent passionate sex.

If Your Moon or Venus are in Gemini: You’re attracted to a witty, interesting woman with a quick tongue, who stimulates your mind with great conversation, and doesn’t bore you. Great communication is what’s most important to you. You’re drawn to a woman who is both a good talker and good listener. Curiosity keeps you interested, so a complex woman intrigues and engages you. Words are important to you, so you’re sexually aroused by a woman who flirts with you; or tells you she loves you. You enjoy talking “dirty” in the bedroom.

If Your Moon or Venus are in Cancer: You’re attracted to a woman who will comfort, care for you, and take care of your needs (i.e., who “mothers” you). It’s a plus if she reminds you of your mother. Sharing a home with a woman makes you feel wanted and secure. You like the idea of being her protector and taking care of her, too. The nostalgic part of you yearns for an “old-fashioned girl,” who you can share a house and create a family. You’re sexually attracted to a woman with large breasts.

If Your Moon or Venus are in Leo: You’re attracted to a striking or gorgeous woman whose glamorous manner make you proud to be with her. The fact that she’s a bit of a drama queen is part of what you like. You’re easily enticed by a woman who flatters your ego with compliments and praise. You need a woman who makes you feel admired and respected (and never criticizes). She must make you feel like a king by lavishing lots of attention and affection on you in an out of bed.

If Your Moon or Venus are in Virgo: You’re attracted to a woman who looks neat, well-groomed and is conservatively dressed. You are drawn to her if she’s honest, intelligent, practical, modest and loyal. You look for the perfect woman; if she’s not, you’re open to fixing her to make her more perfect. You can fall in love with a woman who becomes useful to you in ways that make her indispensable. You are turned sexually, if she’s an earthy and skillful lover behind closed doors.

If Your Moon or Venus are in Libra: You’re attracted to a pretty woman who is charming and feminine. While you seek harmony in a relationship, you have a need to engage in argument or conflict from time-to-time to keep your relationship interesting. You’re not interested in a woman who is rude or crude. You are very turned on by a woman who is sensuous and romantic. She enjoys lighting a candle, putting on some romantic music and curling up on a couch with you, which is her invitation to make love.

If Your Moon or Venus are in Scorpio: You’re attracted to an intense, passionate and strong-willed woman who seems both mysterious and powerful. Your connection to her brings into play psychological power struggles where one or both of you vie for control. You only respect a partner who can stand up to your strong personality. You’re likely to test a woman you’re romantically attracted to and demand absolute fidelity. Sexuality is important to your relationship, so you are enticed by a woman who exudes a raw animal magnetism or an overly sexual appearance.

If Your Moon or Venus are in Sagittarius: You’re attracted to a woman who is smart, honest and direct with a good sense of humor. She can be playful one minute and philosophical the next. You like a woman who is adventurous, into the outdoors, even athletic. You may be especially attracted to her if she’s a foreigner from a culture different than yours. You need a great deal of independence, so you seek a woman who will give you your freedom. You enjoy platonic friendships and casual sex until you’re totally committed.

If Your Moon or Venus are in Capricorn: You’re attracted to a woman (often younger) who you see as being socially acceptable, enhancing your status, and even boosting your career. Or, you may be attracted to a powerful career woman (even an older one) who has attained great success. You are careful about taking emotional risks until you’re certain that a woman is seriously committed to you. You are turned on when a woman is prim and proper in public but behind closed doors is earthy and hot in bed.

If Your Moon or Venus are in Aquarius: You’re attracted to a woman who is independent, free-spirited and can be your friend. It’s important to you that she be intellectually interesting, opened minded and willing to try doing things she’s never done before. She’s especially exciting if she’s rather unconventional, even offbeat. You’re attracted to her if she’s an idealist and even a rebel. You avoid a woman who is a drama-queen. Your ideal woman is sexually exciting because she’s willing to experiment when you make love.

If Your Moon or Venus are in Pisces: You’re attracted to a woman who is feminine, romantic and emotionally sensitive, even passive. Her caring nature makes you feel secure. She’s especially appealing if she appears mysterious or confused, yet compassionate. You are drawn to her if you see her as someone you can care for and “save,” (or who might save you). Sexually, you seek a sensuous woman who is imaginative and bewitching in the bedroom, able to bring fantasy into your sex life.

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